Finding peace and solace in the everyday
As 2023 has worn on, I have felt the need to seek peace and solace in the everyday, those small moments where you stop, breathe, and notice. With the world as it is today, this is my way of coping because, honestly, I don’t feel that optimistic about our leaders and how they are wielding the power they have.
Am I the only one to feel they have somehow stumbled into an episode of the Squid Game?
For those who didn’t see the original Netflix series in 2021, Squid Game revolves around a secret contest where the players, all in deep financial hardship, risk their lives to play a series of deadly children’s games.
Squid Game was a fantastic drama series I could dip in and out of as I chose. It is bloody, so there were times when I needed to press pause. But across the board, the acting was superb, the action brilliantly paced, and you never quite knew what would happen next.
I still remember the casual cruelty shown by the game organisers and their complete disregard for the human beings they were toying with — which brings me to my point. Squid Game does not work well in the real world. But this is what I see today within the UK: a lack of care and concern for us, the ordinary people of this country. Channel 4’s Partygate shockingly showed the lack of respect for ordinary people. Where is the care, compassion, integrity, strategic thinking, and decency in our current administration? Where is it?
So, having got that off my chest, here are some of the everyday things that help keep me grounded:
· The warmth from the early morning sun on my cheeks — the first light to touch my face.
· Seagulls squabbling and squawking amongst the rooftops.
· When I can wriggle my toes on our wooden decking and feel the ridges through the soles of my feet.
· Feeling the heat of a freshly ironed sleeve through the palm of my hand.
· Settling down to a comfortable rail journey (assuming I can get a seat 😉) and allowing my mind to drift — I love trains and believe in the adage, let the train take the strain.
· Sinking into our shabby brown leather sofa at the end of a busy day.
· The smooth action of my Uni-ball pen across a blank page.
· Butterflies fluttering through the branches of our apple trees.
· Sitting in companionship with our resident fox — me at one end, they at the other end of our garden, though I’m not so keen on the poo.
· The fine mist of drizzle on my face on a rainy day and the smell of damp earth after a downpour.
· Inhaling the sharp, pungent scent of freshly cut grass.
· Listening to the wind rustle through the dry leaves of our apple tree.
· Watching our Eucalyptus sway in the wind.
· Clearing books, I will not read again to create space in our overfilled bookshelves.
· Rereading a much-loved book — it’s like meeting an old friend.
· Uncovering old documents I can put through the printer again gives me a buzz.
· Shredding, out-of-date bank and credit card statements –no need to hang on to these.
These are a few of my things — what would you put on your list?
Until next time